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Association of adherence and treatment intensity of lipid-lowering therapy with cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality in very high-risk patients in Germany

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Ingo Ahrens

Hospital der Augustinerinnen, Cologne (Germany)
24 presentations

14 more presentations in this session

Patient characteristics and treatment patterns in patients on lipid-lowering therapies following an acute coronary syndrome in France

Speaker: Professor E. Bruckert (Paris, FR)


What is the most important residual risk after achievement of appropriate low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering therapy in secondary prevention of Japanese patients?

Speaker: Doctor A. Endo (Izumo, JP)


Relative fat mass (RFM) is a better predictor of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome than body mass index (BMI).

Speaker: Doctor O. Kobo (Hadera, IL)


Low levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular, cancer and all-cause mortality outcomes

Speaker: Professor K. Sung (Seoul, KR)


Effects of personalized therapy-effect predictions on statin treatment decisions by patients and physicians: a three-armed, blinded, randomized controlled trial

Speaker: Ms N. Jaspers (Utrecht, NL)


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Poster Session 1 - Lipids

Speakers: Professor I. Ahrens, Professor E. Bruckert, Doctor A. Endo, Doctor O. Kobo, Professor K. Sung...

About the event


ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations