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Acute cardiac fibrogenic response triggered by endotrophin, a type VI collagen signalling molecule

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Alexander Lynge Reese-Petersen

Nordic Bioscience, Copenhagen (Denmark)
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6 more presentations in this session

Neuregulin-1 compensates for endothelial NO synthase deficiency in the heart and kidney.

Speaker: Mrs H. Shakeri (Antwerp, BE)


The adult heart requires baseline expression of the transcription factor Hand2 to withstand right ventricular pressure overload

Speaker: Miss A. Koop (Groningen, NL)


Raf kinase inhibitor protein of the bone marrow contributes to cardiac fibrogenesis in pressure-overloaded myocardium

Speaker: Doctor A. Kazakov (Homburg, DE)


Novel GATA4 binding proteins, RbAp48/46, regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with depending on the phosphorylate State of GATA4

Speaker: Mr Y. Sunagawa (Shizuoka, JP)


Cardiomyocyte ErbB4 receptors are essential for developmental cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac function in adult hearts

Speaker: Doctor M. Reichelt (Brisbane, AU)


Access the full session

Determinants of heart failure: hypertrophy and fibrosis

Speakers: Doctor A. Reese-Petersen, Mrs H. Shakeri, Miss A. Koop, Doctor A. Kazakov, Mr Y. Sunagawa...

About the event


ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations