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Association of systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes at different age groups in the healthy general population: a nationwide prospective cohort study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Mi-Hyang Jung

Seoul St. Marys Hospital, Seoul (Korea (Republic of))
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6 more presentations in this session

2018 ESC/ESH guideline-recommended age categories and intensive blood pressure management in high-risk adults: insights from SPRINT

Speaker: Doctor M. Pareek (Copenhagen, DK)


All-cause mortality and cardiovascular death according to blood pressure thresholds recommended by ACC/AHA

Speaker: Doctor G. Joseph (Roskilde, DK)


Restricted mean survival time analysis to assess efficacy and safety of intensive vs standard blood pressure treatment goals as a function of age: insights from the SPRINT trial

Speaker: Doctor A. Krishnaswami (San Jose, US)


Do hypertensive women with coronary artery disease benefit from lowering systolic blood pressure under 130 mmHg? Long-term mortality in the INternational VErapamil SR-trandolapril STudy (INVEST)

Speaker: Doctor R. Sava (Massy, FR)


Optimal blood pressure in diabetic hypertensive patients with overt proteinuria

Speaker: Professor S. Park (Seoul, KR)


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Hypertension: epidemiology, targets and comorbidities

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ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations