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Heterogeneity of cardiac macrophages in patients with of ischemic ADHF

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Miss Ekaterina Kruchinkina

Cardiology Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Centre, Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk (Russian Federation)
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Relationship between functional capacity, haemodynamic response to exercise and quality of life in chronic heart failure

Speaker: Miss S. Fatrin (Newcastle Upon Tyne, GB)


Rationale and design of RHYTHM-HF: a novel observational study to investigate the role of arrhythmias and cause of death in heart failure utilising injectable cardiac monitors and autopsy examinations

Speaker: Doctor S. Beggs (Glasgow, GB)


Sex-specific biomarker profiles underlying Heart Failure development: a sub-study of the HOMAGE (Heart OMics in AGEing) consortium

Speaker: Doctor A. Raafs (Eindhoven, NL)


Functional mitral regurgitation in pts with HFrEF, HFmrEF and HFpEF: the good, the bad and the ugly ?

Speaker: Doctor M. Vanderheyden (Aalst, BE)


Characterizing heart failure with preserved and reduced ejection fraction: an integrated clinical, imaging and plasma biomarker approach

Speaker: Doctor P. Kanagala (Liverpool, GB)


Access the full session

Poster Session 1 - Chronic Heart Failure – Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

Speakers: Miss E. Kruchinkina, Miss S. Fatrin, Doctor S. Beggs, Doctor A. Raafs, Doctor M. Vanderheyden...

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations