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Hybrid telerehabilitation in heart failure patients (TELEREH-HF) a randomized, prospective, open-label, parallel group, controlled, multi-center trial -study design and description of the intervention

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Ewa Piotrowicz

National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw Poland, Warsaw (Poland)
11 presentations
1 follower

6 more presentations in this session

Clinical impact of non-invasive telemonitoring in patients with chronic heart failure

Speaker: Mr J. AGOSTINHO (Lisbon, PT)


VECTOR-HF: The first human experience with a wireless left atrial pressure monitoring system for patients with heart failure

Speaker: Mr D. Erdheim (Columbus, US)


Wearable multi-sensor platform with 7 days-ECG

Speaker: Professor K. Schmailzl (Cottbus, DE)


Young computer-literate health care professionals have the greatest expectations for heart failure telemonitoring

Speaker: Mrs E. Lycholip (Vilnius, LT)


The place of telemedicine in the management of heart failure in community medicine: general practitioner perceptions of a regional telemedicine platform in Normandy, France

Speaker: Doctor R. Sabatier (Caen, FR)


Access the full session

Poster Session 4 - e-Cardiology / Digital Health

Speakers: Professor E. Piotrowicz, Mr J. AGOSTINHO, Mr D. Erdheim, Professor K. Schmailzl, Mrs E. Lycholip...

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations