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Impact of percutaneous mitral repair with MitraClip on the natural history of severe mitral regurgitation

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Rafael Santos

Santa Maria University Hospital (CHULN), CAML, CCUL, Lisbon School of Medicine of the Universidade d, Lisbon (Portugal)
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8 more presentations in this session

Usefulness of balloom aortic valvuloplasty in the management of patients with aortic stenosis

Speaker: Doctor M. Munoz-Garcia (Ciudad Real, ES)


Predictors of heart failure after aortic valve replacement in 2,500 patients

Speaker: Professor W. Mistiaen (Antwerp, BE)


Hemostatic system changes in infective endocarditis patients before and after surgical heart valves operation

Speaker: Doctor O. Shatova (Minsk, BY)


A systematic review on the LAmbre atrial appendage closure device

Speaker: Assistant Professor M. Noutsias (Neuruppin, DE)


Increase of MitraClip and further structural heart disease procedures at a tertiary center by enhanced awareness, standardized screening and interdisciplinary networks

Speaker: Assistant Professor M. Noutsias (Neuruppin, DE)


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Poster Session 4 - Valvular Heart Disease

Speakers: Doctor R. Santos, Doctor M. Munoz-Garcia, Professor W. Mistiaen, Doctor O. Shatova, Assistant Professor M. Noutsias...

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations