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Panel discussion and summary - Who should receive the wearable cardioverter defibrillator? Evidence and risk stratification for prevention of sudden cardiac death.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Christophe Leclercq

Hospital Pontchaillou of Rennes, Rennes (France)
65 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Introduction - Who should receive the wearable cardioverter defibrillator? Evidence and risk stratification for prevention of sudden cardiac death

Speaker: Professor L. Kober (Copenhagen, DK)


Distilling the clinical evidence behind the WCD - What have clinical trials and registries told us?

Speaker: Professor C. Veltmann (Bremen, DE)


Taking your time in the treatment of newly diagnosed heart failure patients.

Speaker: Doctor J. Erath (Frankfurt, DE)


The impact of the WCD for patients who choose to wear it.

Speaker: Professor A. Flammer (Zurich, CH)


Access the full session

Who should receive the wearable cardioverter defibrillator? Evidence and risk stratification for prevention of sudden cardiac death

Speakers: Professor C. Leclercq, Professor L. Kober, Professor C. Veltmann, Doctor J. Erath, Professor A. Flammer

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations