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Association of neurohumoral indicators with parameters of remodeling of the heart and kidney dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart disease, complicated chronic heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Zulfya Rasulova

Central Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic No. 1, Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
1 follower

15 more presentations in this session

Example of implementation of the Chronic Care Model in the outpatient clinics

Speaker: Mrs P. Sacco' (Parma, IT)


The effect of losartan on the functional state of the kidneys in patients with renal dysfunction

Speaker: Professor Z. Rasulova (Tashkent, UZ)


Effects of swimming for quality of life and depressive symptoms at the patients with heart failure and diabetes mellitus type 2

Speaker: Associate Professor D. Shorikova (Chernivtsi, UA)


To bleed or not to bleed: A failure at the heart of NOAC's

Speaker: Ms N. Caples (Waterford, IE)


Heart failure education in primary care in Flanders, Belgium: the INTERACT-in-HF study

Speaker: Doctor K. Baldewijns (Geel, BE)


Access the full session

Poster Session 1 - Chronic Heart Failure – Treatment

Speakers: Professor Z. Rasulova, Mrs P. Sacco', Professor Z. Rasulova, Associate Professor D. Shorikova, Ms N. Caples...

About the event


EuroHeartCare 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations