About the speaker

Ms Ines Urbaneck

Universitaetsmedizin Greifswald, Greifswald (Germany)
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4 more presentations in this session

The importance of a successful cardiac rehabilitation program - long-term prognosis of cardiac patients following rehabilitation

Speaker: Mr N. Mikkelsen (Copenhagen, DK)


The association between body composition changes following cardiac rehabilitation and major adverse cardiovascular events: a community based study

Speaker: Doctor J. Medina-Inojosa (Atlanta, US)


Impact of gait speed on the obesity paradox in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease

Speaker: Mr T. Nakamura (Tokyo, JP)


Increased echo intensity of skeletal muscle is associated with exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure

Speaker: Doctor I. Nakano (Sapporo, JP)


Access the full session

Young Investigator Award 3 - Secondary prevention and rehabilitation Section

Speakers: Ms I. Urbaneck, Mr N. Mikkelsen, Doctor J. Medina-Inojosa, Mr T. Nakamura, Doctor I. Nakano

About the event


EuroPrevent 2019

11 April - 13 April 2019

Sessions Presentations