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About the speaker

Professor Anna Polewczyk

The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Kielce (Poland)
2 presentations
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7 more presentations in this session

Are the risk factors different in pocket- and systemic device infections? data from the danish pacemaker and ICD register on 79,091 patients

Speaker: Doctor T. Olsen (Odense, DK)


Lead-related venous stenosis in CIED carriers - is there a chance for an effective use of venous approach for AV fistula and hemodialysis cathether? Findings of 2228 venographies before TLE.

Speaker: Doctor M. Czajkowski (Lublin, PL)


Concomitant anti-platelet therapy in warfarin-treated patients undergoing cardiac rhythm device implantation: a secondary analysis of the BRUISE CONTROL trial

Speaker: Doctor V. Essebag (Montreal, CA)


Port-a-caths infected or migrated, not removable by manual traction: the exit strategy of cardiac pacing leads extraction techniques

Speaker: Doctor R. De Lucia (Pisa, IT)


Unexpected technical problems during transvenous lead extraction. The experience among 2841 TLE procedures.

Speaker: Professor A. Kutarski (Katowice, PL)


Access the full session

Moderated ePosters 15: Implantable device therapy : the good, the bad and the ugly

Speakers: Professor A. Polewczyk, Doctor T. Olsen, Doctor M. Czajkowski, Doctor V. Essebag, Doctor R. De Lucia...

About the event


EHRA 2019

17 March - 19 March 2019

Sessions Presentations