EACVI Premium Access

Perfusion imaging: stress the patient not the Tech! Essential information on performing perfusion images, from patient set up to planning your images.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Manuel Barreiro Perez

Hospital Universitario Alvaro Cunqueiro, Vigo (Spain)
9 presentations
1 follower

3 more presentations in this session

Cine imaging: movie makers: the science behind cinematography images, and how to adapt the parameters to maximise your movie experience.

Speaker: Mr O. Poveda (Barcelona, ES)


3T Imaging: artefacts and safety.

Speaker: Mrs K. Parke (Leicester, GB)


Congenital imaging – who needs 4 chambers anyway! A technologist's survival guide.

Speaker: Mrs V. Orchard (Glasgow, GB)


Access the full session

An introduction to the fundamental areas of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging including image optimisation and safety

Speakers: Doctor M. Barreiro Perez, Mr O. Poveda, Mrs K. Parke, Mrs V. Orchard

About the event


EuroCMR 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations