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Stress echocardiography and strain in aortic regurgitation (SESAR protocol): left ventricular contractile reserve in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Tiziana Formisano

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitell, Naples (Italy)
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7 more presentations in this session

Early hemodynamic performance of transcatheter versus surgical aortic valves in patients with small aortic annulus

Speaker: Doctor R. Horita (Sapporo, JP)


Body weight status and post-operative predictive significance of effective prosthetic orifice area after aortic valve replacement

Speaker: Associate Professor A. Coisne (Lille, FR)


Initial documentation of newly developed functional mitral regurgitation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with aortic stenosis

Speaker: Doctor H. Horinouchi (Tokyo, JP)


Remodeling classification system considering left ventricular volume in patients with aortic valve regurgitation: association with adverse cardiovascular outcomes

Speaker: Doctor E. Giubertoni (Reggio Emilia, IT)


Frequency and clinical determinants of valvular heart disease in healthy subjects with health promotion program

Speaker: Doctor M. Kim (Pusan, KR)


Access the full session

What is new in valvular heart disease?

Speakers: Doctor T. Formisano, Doctor R. Horita, Associate Professor A. Coisne, Doctor H. Horinouchi, Doctor E. Giubertoni...

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

5 December - 8 December 2018

Sessions Presentations