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Transseptal puncture via the right jugular vein approach and remote magnetic navigation ablation of left atrial tachycardia in patient with inferior vena cava interruption.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Denis Losik

eMed Support Systems, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
2 presentations
1 follower

5 more presentations in this session

Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of ventricular tachycardia delivered between left ventricular endocardium and adjacent right atrial sites.

Speaker: Associate Professor P. Futyma (Rzeszow, PL)


Catheter ablation of the epicardial electrical substrate in a patient with Brugada Syndrome and recurrent ICD shocks.

Speaker: Doctor J. Du Fay De Lavallaz (Basel, CH)


Ventricular tachycardia ablation in prior myocarditis.

Speaker: Doctor S. Conti (Palermo, IT)


Asymptomatic Long QT syndrome 3 - ICD implantation appropriate or not?

Speaker: Doctor K. Koranne (Mason City, US)


Challenging management of atrial fibrillation in an unexpectedly complex grown up congenital heart disease. The role of mutimodality imaging.

Speaker: Doctor A. Baritussio (Padua, IT)


Access the full session

Tips for getting out of trouble in the EP and device labs

Speakers: Mr D. Losik, Associate Professor P. Futyma, Doctor J. Du Fay De Lavallaz, Doctor S. Conti, Doctor K. Koranne...

About the event


ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations