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The effect of statin on mortality in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction without coronary artery disease -a report from the JASPER-study-

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Kyohei Marume

Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto (Japan)
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15 more presentations in this session

Significance of left ventricular global longitudinal strain assessment in patients with preserved ejection fraction after acute myocardial infarction

Speaker: Doctor K. Batmyagmar (Ulaanbaatar, MN)


Relation of right ventricular function abnormalities to the presence of pulmonary hypertension in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Insights from invasive pressure-volume analysis.

Speaker: Doctor K. Rommel (Mainz, DE)


Combined exercise stress echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise test in assessment of diastolic function in patients successfully treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

Speaker: Professor I. Nedeljkovic (Belgrade, RS)


HDAC inhibition rescues cardiac and pulmonary function in a feline model of HFpEF

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Wallner (Graz, AT)


Prognostic impact of left atrial function in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor R. Schoenbauer (Vienna, AT)


Access the full session

Poster Session 7 - Chronic heart failure – Pathophysiology and mechanisms

Speakers: Doctor K. Marume, Doctor K. Batmyagmar, Doctor K. Rommel, Professor I. Nedeljkovic, Associate Professor M. Wallner...

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ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations