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Usefulness of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure patients with mid-range ejection fraction

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Ivana Burazor

Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje, Belgrade (Serbia)
5 presentations
1 follower

9 more presentations in this session

Haemodynamic and electrical safety of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in acute decompensated heart failure.

Speaker: Doctor T. Kondo (Nagoya, JP)


Does cardiorespiratory fitness attenuate the risk of death in men with cardiometabolic syndrome?

Speaker: Professor S. Jae (Seoul, KR)


Evaluation of heart rate variability and cardiac autonomic control on exposure to Indian music and slow music yoga asana before sleep at night.

Speaker: Professor N. Sen (Jaipur, IN)


Physical fitness and the long-term risk of incident chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Speaker: Doctor G. Hansen (Copenhagen, DK)


Quality matters: classification of centres by quality of care in acute myocardial infarction using the ESC-Acute Cardiac Care Association quality indicators

Speaker: Professor F. Schiele (Besancon, FR)


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Poster Session 5 - Cardiovascular rehabilitation

Speakers: Assistant Professor I. Burazor, Doctor T. Kondo, Professor S. Jae, Professor N. Sen, Doctor G. Hansen...

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ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations