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Prediction of subclinical myocardial injury and left ventricular dysfunction: data from the Akershus Cardiac Examination (ACE) 1950 Study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Magnus Nakrem Lyngbakken

Akershus University Hospital - AHUS, Nordbyhagen (Norway)
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9 more presentations in this session

Cardiac troponin T concentrations are lower in women than men with atrial fibrillation but have similar prognostic value regardless of sex - insights from the ARISTOTLE trial

Speaker: Professor H. Rosjo (Nordbyhagen, NO)


T-wave inversions in ECG in middle-age were associated with increased risk for all-cause mortality during lifetime

Speaker: Professor H. Sjoland (Gothenburg, SE)


Differential impact of cardiovascular risk factors on aorta and coronary artery aging

Speaker: Doctor M. Kim (Incheon, KR)


Prognostic significance of electrocardiographic markers of sudden cardiac death differ between men and women

Speaker: Doctor M. Eskuri (Oulu, FI)


Fragmented QRS relates to myocardial fibrosis and syncopal episodes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Speaker: Doctor Z. Dohy (Budapest, HU)


Access the full session

Poster Session 5 - Prevention - Cardiovascular risk assessment: biomarkers

Speakers: Doctor M. Lyngbakken, Professor H. Rosjo, Professor H. Sjoland, Doctor M. Kim, Doctor M. Eskuri...

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ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations