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Permanent atrial fibrillation in heart failure: impact of exercise training on biomarkers. A randomized controlled trial.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Guilherme Veiga Guimaraes

Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo (InCor), Sao Paulo (Brazil)
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32 more presentations in this session

Impact of comorbidities on major adverse events in atrial fibrillation: 3 years follow-up of the EORP-AF general pilot registry

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Proietti (Milan, IT)


ABC-death risk score predicts mortality better than CHA2DS2-VASc score in a contemporary population of hospitalised patients with atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Professor G. Giannakoulas (Thessaloniki, GR)


Intima-Media thickness to better risk-stratify patients with premature coronary artery disease: an analysis from the AFUI registry.

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Zeitouni (Paris, FR)


Prognostic value of elevated electromagnetic QRS-fragmentation index on 5-year outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing cardiac magnet field imaging

Speaker: Mr O. Mohammad (Ludwigshafen, DE)


The prognostic importance of pulmonary pressure increase in early cardiovascular diseases

Speaker: Doctor P. Giovanardi (Modena, IT)


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Poster Session 7 - Secondary prevention

Speakers: Professor G. Guimaraes, Associate Professor M. Proietti, Professor G. Giannakoulas, Associate Professor M. Zeitouni, Mr O. Mohammad...

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ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations