ESC Premium Access

Discussant: Best Posters in coronary CT imaging.

Topic: Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (Coronary CTA, CCTA)

Congress Presentation

3 more presentations in this session

Longitudinal quantitative assessment of coronary plaque progression related to glycemic status using serial coronary computed tomography angiography

Speaker: Associate Professor K. Won (Gwangmyeong, KR)


Differential association between the progression of coronary artery calcium and coronary plaque volume progression according to statins

Speaker: Doctor S. Lee (Seoul, KR)


Long term prognostic utility of CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA) in older populations

Speaker: Doctor S. Gnanenthiran (Sydney, AU)


Access the full session

Best Posters 3 - Best Posters in coronary CT imaging

Speakers: Associate Professor K. Won, Doctor S. Lee, Doctor S. Gnanenthiran

About the event


ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations