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Impact of presence of nonsignificant coronary artery disease vs. completely normal angiogram on outcome in patients with Tako-Tsubo syndrome

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Edita Pogran

Ottakring Clinic, Vienna (Austria)
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14 more presentations in this session

Readmission after cardiac rehabilitation program in a tertiary hospital

Speaker: Doctor A. Chauca Tapia (Girona, ES)


Exploring the impact of early rule out pathways on patient experience of chest pain

Speaker: Mrs A. Ferry (Edinburgh, GB)


Clinical predictors of success of biofeedback in the rehabilitation of patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Speaker: Associate Professor I. Leonova (Saint Petersburg, RU)


An audit of early invasive coronary angiography in patients with NSTE-ACS in a district general hospital with onsite PCI facility

Speaker: Doctor R. Sammour (Wigan, GB)


Cardiologist on call: an study of the consultations requested.


Access the full session

Poster Session 2 - Non ST Elevation Acute Coronary Sydrome - Organisation of Acute Coronary Sydrome care and MINOCA

Speakers: Doctor E. Pogran, Doctor A. Chauca Tapia, Mrs A. Ferry, Associate Professor I. Leonova, Doctor R. Sammour

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2018

3 March - 5 March 2018

Sessions Presentations