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A Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Effects of 4 Weeks Treatment with Subcutaneous Elamipretide on Left Ventricular Function in Subjects with Stable Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Rationale and d

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Hans-Dirk Duengen

Scirent - Clinical Research and Science, Berlin (Germany)
1 presentation
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8 more presentations in this session

Systolic heart failure treatment with the if inhibitor ivabradine trial

Speaker: Professor M. Boehm (Homburg, DE)


Real-world heart failure treatment in 10.330 patients with chronic heart failure in the netherlands

Speaker: Professor J. Brugts (Rotterdam, NL)


Clinical profiles, management and outcome of acute heart failure in Korea: results from the Korean acute heart failure registry (KorAHF)

Speaker: Associate Professor H. Lee (Seoul, KR)


Non-invasive lung impedance-guided preemptive treatment in chronic heart failure patients: a randomized controlled trial (IMPEDANCE-HF Trial)

Speaker: Professor M. Kleiner Shochat (Hadera, IL)


Single dose, purified biocompatible vegf a mrna administered one week post myocardial infarction in pigs inhibits cardiac fibrosis and leads to chronic reversal of global ventricular dysfunction

Speaker: Professor K. Chien (Stockholm, SE)


Access the full session

Clinical Forum - Sat. 29 April 08:30 - Tues. 02 May at 12:30

Speakers: Professor H. Duengen, Professor M. Boehm, Professor J. Brugts, Associate Professor H. Lee, Professor M. Kleiner Shochat...

About the event


Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

29 April - 2 May 2017

Sessions Presentations