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Breathing reserve in adults with congenital heart disease and its relation to exercise intolerance

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Margarita Brida

University of Rijeka, Rijeka (Croatia)
12 presentations

13 more presentations in this session

Association between estimated exercise capacity using non-exercise parameters and health-related quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease

Speaker: Doctor H. Kim (Seoul, KR)


Pulmonary vascular resistance assessed by bicycle stress echocardiography in patients late after ventricular septal defect repair

Speaker: Doctor C. Gabriels (Leuven, BE)


The impact of overweight in a paediatric population after Aortic Coarctation repair

Speaker: Miss A. Ferreira (Porto, PT)


Health related quality of life in post-operative congenital heart disease patients: experience from a low middle income country pakistan

Speaker: Professor R. Gallagher (Sydney, AU)


Education is the main predictor for successful employment in adults with congenital heart disease worldwide.

Speaker: Doctor M. Sluman (Hertogenbosch, NL)


Access the full session

Poster session 7 - Quality of life, epidemiology and biomarkers in congenital heart diseases

Speakers: Doctor M. Brida, Doctor H. Kim, Doctor C. Gabriels, Miss A. Ferreira, Professor R. Gallagher...

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations