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Poor rhythm outcome of catheter ablation for early onset atrial fibrillation in women: mechanistic insight.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Hee Tae Yu

Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea (Republic of))
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P-wave duration in sinus rhythm correlates to extent of left atrial low-voltage and predicts outcome of pulmonary vein isolation in persistent atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor B. Mueller-Edenborn (Bad Krozingen, DE)


The long-term efficacy of concomitant Maze IV surgery in patients with atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Miss C. Engelsgaard (Odense, DK)


The impact of early recurrence of atrial tachyarrhythmias after pulmonary antrum isolation for non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor K. Kaitani (Otsu, JP)


Not all non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation drivers are included in complex fractionated electrogram area or low-voltage area: ExTRa Mapping project

Speaker: Doctor K. Sakata (Takatsuki, JP)


Left atrial linear ablation negatively affects atrial function.

Speaker: Miss S. Baalman (Amsterdam, NL)


Access the full session

Poster session 3 - Atrial fibrillation ablation

Speakers: Associate Professor H. Yu, Doctor B. Mueller-Edenborn, Miss C. Engelsgaard, Doctor K. Kaitani, Doctor K. Sakata...

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ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations