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Pulmonary artery aneurysms in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension: a not so rare entity in the long-term evolution of the disease.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Jorge Nuche

University Hospital October 12, Madrid (Spain)
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10 more presentations in this session

Relationship between lipid profile and coronary plaque burden in patients with low to intermediate pretest probability for coronary artery disease : evaluation by coronary CT angiography.

Speaker: Doctor M. El Tahlawi (Zagazig, EG)


Visceral and subcutaneous fat predict coronary artery disease in patients with zero calcium score by multi-slice computed tomography coronary angiography

Speaker: Doctor M. Sabet (Cairo, EG)


Prognostic relevance of subclinical coronary and carotid atherosclerosis in asymptomatic at-risk adult population

Speaker: Professor G. Pontone (Milan, IT)


Radiomic features of high risk coronary atherosclerotic plaques in coronary CT angiography

Speaker: Doctor M. Kolossvary (Budapest, HU)


Anomalous origin of right coronary artery from left sinus of valsalva with malignant course - a not such a malignant disease

Speaker: Doctor S. Kalim (Durham, GB)


Access the full session

Poster session 1 - Coronary Computed Tomography - 1

Speakers: Doctor J. Nuche, Doctor M. El Tahlawi, Doctor M. Sabet, Professor G. Pontone, Doctor M. Kolossvary...

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations