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Dynamic changes of B-lines in acute heart failure: comparison with non-invasive hemodynamic data and BNP values.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Luna Gargani

University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy)
36 presentations

15 more presentations in this session

Quantitative computer tomographic derived measurements of extravascular lung water and left ventricular filling pressure in a porcine model of pulmonary congestion

Speaker: Doctor C. Frederiksen (Aarhus, DK)


The effect on motality of torsemide and combination therapy in chronic heart failure after discharge compared with furosemide

Speaker: Mr Y. Yao (Beijing, CN)


How representive is the PARADIGM heart failure population ?

Speaker: Professor U. Zeymer (Ludwigshafen, DE)


Incidence of peripartum cardiomyopathy diagnosed in 90-day post-delivery: insights from the nationwide readmission database

Speaker: Doctor R. Masoomi (New York, US)


Patients not consenting in registry participation- another black box in acute heart failure registries. Results from AHF Registry

Speaker: Doctor C. Feldmann (Wurzburg, DE)


Access the full session

Poster session 7 - Acute heart failure (AHF)

Speakers: Doctor L. Gargani, Doctor C. Frederiksen, Mr Y. Yao, Professor U. Zeymer, Doctor R. Masoomi...

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations