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Impact of baseline plaque characteristic before stenting on development of neoatherosclerosis in very late phase

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Masahiro Hoshino

Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam (Netherlands (The))
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13 more presentations in this session

Effects of DPP4 inhibitor Linagliptin on atherosclerotic lesions in Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic rabbit

Speaker: Doctor T. Kurosawa (Tokyo, JP)


Long-term vessel healing response to first-generation versus second-generation drug-eluting stents in acute coronary syndrome assessed by optical coherence tomography.

Speaker: Doctor Y. Kato (Akashi, JP)


Right lateral vs. left lateral view in transradial procedures - an operator radiation exposure and image quality study.

Speaker: Doctor E. Rodriguez Gonzalez (Madrid, ES)


Real-time optical coherence tomography co-registration with angiography to optimize percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the OPTICO-Integration study.

Speaker: Doctor L. Jakob (Chur, CH)


Spatial distribution of macrophage accumulation within coronary arterial wall in diabetic versus non-diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome: a study with multi-intravascular imaging modalities

Speaker: Doctor T. Kogo (Tokyo, JP)


Access the full session

Poster session 3 - Coronary morphology and functional assessment (2)

Speakers: Doctor M. Hoshino, Doctor T. Kurosawa, Doctor Y. Kato, Doctor E. Rodriguez Gonzalez, Doctor L. Jakob...

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations