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Target blood pressure in hypertensive patients with previous stroke: a Korean national health insurance service health examinee cohort study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Chan Joo Lee

Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea (Republic of))
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4 more presentations in this session

State of the Art: stratifying blood pressure targets

Speaker: Doctor P. Verdecchia (Perugia, IT)


Optimal blood pressure for patients with coronary artery disease

Speaker: Doctor C. HUANG (Taipei, TW)


A map of SPRINT's data free zone

Speaker: Doctor L. Laffin (Cleveland, US)


Optimal blood pressure targets in chronic kidney disease

Speaker: Professor M. Burnier (Lausanne, CH)


Access the full session

Revisiting blood pressure targets in patients with comorbidities

Speakers: Associate Professor C. Lee, Doctor P. Verdecchia, Doctor C. HUANG, Doctor L. Laffin, Professor M. Burnier

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations