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About the speaker

Doctor Jose Costa

Terras do Infante Hospital, Lagos (Portugal)
1 presentation
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9 more presentations in this session

A rare etiology of left ventricular hypertrophy: mitochondrial cardiomyopathy

Speaker: Doctor J. Seo (Seoul, KR)


A rare case of Fabry cardiomyopathy requiring permanent pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator despite enzyme replacement therapy

Speaker: Associate Professor S. Park (Deajeon, KR)


Cardiac amyloidosis: a difficult journey to diagnosis

Speaker: Doctor P. Araujo (Porto, PT)


Non-compaction cardiomyopathy with multiple embolic events, a new association to a sarcomeric gene mutation.

Speaker: Mr R. Morales Murillo (Barcelona, ES)


A challenging case of rare cardiomyopathy and its clinical implications

Speaker: Doctor A. Covaliov (Bucharest, RO)


Access the full session

Clinical Case Corner 6 - Heart (and peripheral!) muscle disease

Speakers: Doctor J. Costa, Doctor J. Seo, Associate Professor S. Park, Doctor P. Araujo, Mr R. Morales Murillo...

About the event


Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

29 April - 2 May 2017

Sessions Presentations