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Pulmonary transit of agitated saline is related to improved cardiac performance during exercise in highly-trained endurance athletes

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Maria Sanz-de la Garza

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
11 presentations
1 follower

5 more presentations in this session

The exercise induced CRP response is reproducible when measured one year apart

Speaker: Doctor O. Kleiven (Stavanger, NO)


Exercise-related cardiac arrest in region western Sweden; incidence, prognosis and outcome

Speaker: Miss E. Zagerholm (Gothenburg, SE)


Nationwide cardiovascular screening of young individuals: the diagnostic yield and implications on workload

Speaker: Doctor H. Dhutia (Leicester, GB)


Masters Athlete Cardiac Health (MACH) study: insights into pre-participation screening and cardiovascular risk in masters athletes

Speaker: Ms B. Morrison (Vancouver, CA)


The mixed race athlete's ECG: Not so black and white.

Speaker: Doctor A. Malhotra (Manchester, GB)


Access the full session

Young investigator award session II - Sport Cardiology

Speakers: Doctor M. Sanz-de la Garza, Doctor O. Kleiven, Miss E. Zagerholm, Doctor H. Dhutia, Ms B. Morrison...

About the event


EuroPrevent 2017

6 April - 8 April 2017

Sessions Presentations