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Telomere length a hallmark of vascular aging is altered in mild cognitive impairment and improved after an environmental enrichment program: the train the brain- mind the vessel cellular study final

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Maria Grazia Andreassi

Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Pisa (Italy)
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19 more presentations in this session

Exaggerated exercise blood pressure response is related to increased arterial stiffness, asymmetric dimethylarginine and osteoprotegerin in essential hypertension

Speaker: Doctor K. Dimitriadis (Athens, GR)


Significance of change in heart rate recovery from test to test

Speaker: Assistant Professor N. Sydo (Budapest, HU)


Long term prognostic value of heart rate recovery in patients with pre-test probability for coronary artery disease of 15-65% and negative exercise testing

Speaker: Associate Professor V. Giga (Belgrade, RS)


Impact of physiological aging beyond chronological aging on exercise time: lessons from a 25 year observational cohort

Speaker: Doctor S. Harb (Cleveland, US)


Cardiorespiratory fitness in women with previous preeclampsia

Speaker: Doctor L. Gronningsaeter (Oslo, NO)


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Poster session 1 - Exercise testing and training I

Speakers: Doctor M. Andreassi, Doctor K. Dimitriadis, Assistant Professor N. Sydo, Associate Professor V. Giga, Doctor S. Harb...

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ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations