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The ODYSSEY ESCAPE study: rationale, design, patient characteristics at baseline, and final study data

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Klaus G Parhofer

Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich (Germany)
4 presentations
1 follower

4 more presentations in this session

State of the art in lipids and coronary artery disease

Speaker: Professor E. Stroes (Amsterdam, NL)


Low levels of LDL-cholesterol and incidence of a wide range of cardiovascular diseases: a linked electronic health records cohort of 550,000 people

Speaker: Doctor A. Moayyeri (London, GB)


Lipid internalization in inflammatory cells of LDLreceptor-deficient patients: role of LRP5

Speaker: Doctor T. Padro (Barcelona, ES)


Future direction for research in lipids and coronary artery disease

Speaker: Professor P. Barter (Sydney, AU)


Access the full session

Lipids and coronary artery disease

Speakers: Professor K. Parhofer, Professor E. Stroes, Doctor A. Moayyeri, Doctor T. Padro, Professor P. Barter

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations