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Coronary artery vasospasm in cardiac allograft presenting with malignant arythmia and left bundle branch block pattern in early post - transplantation period.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Malgorzata Celinska-Spodar

Institute of Cardiology in Anin, Warsaw (Poland)
1 presentation
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Prosthetic valve dysfunction, acute myocardial infarction, and cardiogenic shock following an uncomplicated pregnancy: what else could have been done?

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Look carefully: acute heart failure after pregnancy

Speaker: Professor C. Saldarriaga (Medellin, CO)


Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy after 16 years of incessant PJRT

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Acute exacerbation of heart failure attributed to complete atrioventricular block in a patient with left univentricular pacing by cardiac resynchronisation therapy

Speaker: Doctor N. Nishiyama (Tokyo, JP)


Recurrent episodes of life-threatening vasodilatory shock following unintentional intoxication with calcium channel blocker, amlodipine

Speaker: Doctor C. Kapelios (Athens, GR)


Access the full session

Clinical Case Corner 3: Catch me, if you can: cases of very fast (or slow) heart - Part II

Speakers: Doctor M. Celinska-Spodar, Doctor O. Calvillo Arguelles, Professor C. Saldarriaga, Doctor K. Etsadashvili, Doctor N. Nishiyama...

About the event



21 May - 24 May 2016

Sessions Presentations