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Influence losartan and lisinopril indicators for exercise tolerance and quality of life parameters in patients with chronic heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Zulfya Rasulova

Central Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic No. 1, Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
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29 more presentations in this session

The frequency and causes of acute heart failure in women middle aged and elderly with acute myocardial infarction

Speaker: Mrs I. Suspitsyna (Barnaul, RU)


Repetitive decompensation of heart failure leads truly to deterioration of organ function

Speaker: Doctor S. Ishihara (Paris, FR)


Contemporary assessment of lung ultrasound, BNP and echocardiography for outcome prediction in patients with decompensated heart failure

Speaker: Associate Professor A. Palazzuoli (Siena, IT)


Prevalence, risk factors and prognostic impact of bleeding complications in patients in cardiogenic shock in intensive care unit

Speaker: Doctor S. Goncalves (Setubal, PT)


Higher brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is closely associated with lower functional capacity in especially heart failure patients

Speaker: Doctor K. Takabayashi (Shiga, JP)


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Poster Session 2 - Acute heart failure

Speakers: Professor Z. Rasulova, Mrs I. Suspitsyna, Doctor S. Ishihara, Associate Professor A. Palazzuoli, Doctor S. Goncalves...

About the event



21 May - 24 May 2016

Sessions Presentations