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About the speaker

Doctor Joaquin Osca Asensi

University Hospital La Fe, Valencia (Spain)
3 presentations
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6 more presentations in this session

Mobile App Interactive Session.


Sinus rhythm is it possible? How far to get there? - Clinical case

Speaker: Associate Professor J. Guerra (Barcelona, ES)


Sinus rhythm is it possible? How far to get there? - What do the Guidelines say?

Speaker: Doctor F. Arribas (Madrid, ES)


Sinus rhythm is it possible? How far to get there? - Take home message

Speaker: Professor J. Brugada Terradellas (Barcelona, ES)


Anticoagulation in CHADSVasc1 - What do the Guidelines say?

Speaker: Professor L. Mont (Barcelona, ES)


Access the full session

2016 Atrial fibrillation Guidelines in Spain

Speakers: Doctor J. Osca Asensi, Associate Professor J. Guerra, Doctor F. Arribas, Professor J. Brugada Terradellas, Professor L. Mont

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations