About the speaker

Professor Pedro Marques-Vidal

Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne (Switzerland)
19 presentations
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3 more presentations in this session

Interpreting the meta analysis of observational studies on dietary fat and cardiovascular disease

Speaker: Professor S. Anand (Hamilton, CA)


Diet in patients with metabolic syndrome - Low carbohydrates or low cholesterol?

Speaker: Professor A. Timoteo (Lisbon, PT)


Diet, the gut and the heart

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Troseid (Oslo, NO)


Access the full session

Coconut oil and avocado, saturated fat and other hot topics in diet

Speakers: Professor P. Marques-Vidal, Professor S. Anand, Professor A. Timoteo, Associate Professor M. Troseid

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations