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Pulmonary arterial hypertension center: difficulties and challenges in devolping countries from the aspect of the nurse

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mrs Areta Ognjenovic

University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
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13 more presentations in this session

Correlates and hemodynamic determinants of ejection fraction using non-invasive impedance cardiography among ambulatory heart failure patients

Speaker: Assistant Professor F. Khraim (Doha, QA)


"Heart failure: across-sectional study about quality of life, anxiety depresion and detection of possible health and cardiovascular problems"

Speaker: Mr R. Mesa Rico (Marbella, ES)


Myocardial viability testing: do patients need advanced imaging, or is resting echocardiography enough?

Speaker: Mrs S. Arnold (London, GB)


The integrated (md and nurse) management of the heart failure patient : a novel multi-professional training approach from an italian pilot study

Speaker: Doctor M. Barisone (Savona, IT)


Multi-morbidity and self-care in older patients with heart failure

Speaker: Mrs F. Forsyth (Cambridge, GB)


Access the full session

Poster Session 2 - Chronic Heart Failure – Treatment

Speakers: Mrs A. Ognjenovic, Assistant Professor F. Khraim, Mr R. Mesa Rico, Mrs S. Arnold, Doctor M. Barisone...

About the event


EuroHeartCare 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations