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French team - Cardiomyopathy - Think etiology for appropriate care!

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Diane Bodez

University Hospital Henri Mondor, Creteil (France)
4 presentations
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6 more presentations in this session

Team's presentation

Speaker: Professor G. Rosano (London, GB)


Austrian team - A nurse with heart failure - A common disease in an uncommon setting

Speaker: Doctor D. Moertl (St Poelten, AT)


Korean team - A middle-aged man with progressive dyspnea despite of medical therapy

Speaker: Professor W. Chung (Incheon, KR)


Access the full session

HFA Championships

Speakers: Doctor D. Bodez, Professor G. Rosano, Doctor D. Moertl, Professor W. Chung

About the event


Heart Failure 2018

26 May - 29 May 2018

Sessions Presentations