Speaker illustration

Professor Markus Skrifvars

Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki (Finland)

Markus Skrifvars is Staff Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and professor of Prehospital Emergency Medicine. He has trained in Finland and Australia and completed both the European Diploma of Intensive Care as well as the Fellowship of Intensive Care Medicine (FCICM). He has published over 240 scientific publications and supervised six PhDs focusing on emergency and intensive care of cardiac arrest and traumatic brain injury. He was a member of the steering group of the TTH48 trial and the principal investigator of the COMACARE trial. His research group focuses on both experimental and clinical studies in the field of cardiac arrest and traumatic brain injury. He is one of the lead investigator of the STEP CARE (Sedation, TEmperature and Pressure after Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation).

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: what is new in 2021?

Event: ACVC 2021

Topic: Cardiac Arrest

Session type: Symposium
