Speaker illustration

Professor Mehmet Birhan Yilmaz

Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir (Türkiye)

After graduating from Hacettepe University Faculty of Eng-Medicine and completing Cardiology fellowship, he has worked at the Department of Cardiology of Cumhuriyet University for 12 years. He visited Advanced Heart Disease Section of BWH of Harvard University in 2007. In 2009, he visited INSERM U 942 at Lariboisiere Hospital of Paris Diderot University and participated research on HF as a post-doc fellow. He was certified to be Fellow of ESC in 2010 (FESC), became Professor and was awarded by Technological and Scientific Research Council of Turkey for his activities in HF in 2012. He served as the President of HF WG of Turkish Society of Cardiology (2014-2016). He has recently been elected as governor-elect of ACC Istanbul Consortium Chapter (ACC-ICC). He is currently board member of Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center, Health Coordinator of Dokuz Eylul Technology Transfer Office (DETTO) and full-time professor at Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir. He is an MDR expert.

Late breaking clinical trials

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Topic: Chronic Heart Failure

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What’s new in comorbidities

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Topic: Antidiabetic Pharmacotherapy

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Acute heart failure from epidemiology to clinic

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Topic: Clinical

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Clinical Case Corner 1 - Catheters and devices

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Topic: Cardiovascular Surgery

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