Speaker illustration

Doctor Ramon Estruch

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Professor Ramon Estruch is Senior Consultant at the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona) since 2002. He is also Associate Professor at the Barcelona University since 1996, Member of the Board of Directors of the CIBER Obesity and Nutrition, Institute of Health “Carlos III”, Government of Spain, since 2006 and Member of the Advisory Board of the ERAB (European Foundation for Alcohol Research) from European Union since 2010 to 2017. The main research lines developed are: 1) Cardiovascular effects of Mediterranean diet 2) Effects of olive oil in cardiovascular risk factors, and oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis; 3) Mechanisms of the protective effects of moderate wine and beer intake on cardiovascular system; 4) Effects of chronic alcohol consumption on heart, liver and brain; and 5) Effects Mediterranean life style on health. He has published more than 450 manuscripts in peer-review Journals.

Effect of Mediterranean diet on inflammation

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: What's hot on the plate?


Nuts in your diet – nutty idea? PURE results and the Prediment trial.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: How to eat right: should PURE results influence dietary guidelines?
