Speaker illustration

Doctor Franz Goss

Munich (Germany)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr Franz Goss, MD, FESC, was a senior cardiologist at the Heart Center Alter Hof in Munich. His special interests are quality of care programs and outcome research. He was vice president of BNK (German Association of Cardiologists in Private Practice) and CEO of BNK Service Ltd (Service Company of BNK) until 2021. Since 2004 he has conducted 14 research studies with over 50.000 patients being observed. Main focus of this healthcare research was on improving the therapy of heart failure and optimizing the transfer of information between the outpatient and inpatient sector in Germany (e.g. CLARIFY, GLORIA, CARELINK Network, ProAcor, SPIDER, GULLIVE-R). These studies were primarily designed as pilot projects to optimize the treatment of CHF patients and to negotiate and conclude selective agreements with German health insurers (e.g. AOK, Barmer, BKK, DAK). Optimizing treatment pathways using EHR in patient centered applications is the primary focus of future projects.

KardioNet Digital - a structured care model involving digital tools for intersectoral communication and a patient-focused strategy for treatment of heart failure

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Patient Engagement and Personalised Health

Session: Innovations in digital care and patient engagement


Equally high detection rates of atrial fibrillation in patients after a TIA and stroke by systematic ECG monitoring with an implanted device: SPIDER-AF study

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation

Session: Prevention of thromboembolism and atrial remodelling in atrial fibrillation


BNK CardioCoach App.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: e-Cardiology/Digital Health

Session: Best of Apps
