Speaker illustration

Miss Marilu Casini

Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe, Valencia (Spain)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Marilù obtained her degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Florence. Afterwards she started her international experience focusing her research on stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. To further deepen her knowledge in modeling diseases and hiPSC applications, she decided to pursue an Erasmus+ internship at the University of Göttingen (Germany), where she worked with human tissue engineered models from hiPSC-CMs. Currently, Marilù is working at the Health Research Institute Hospital La Fe (IIS La Fe) in Valencia (Spain) as part of the PersonalizeAF Marie Curie Network. Her project is focused on the use of hiPSC-CMs to research biomarkers that can predict drug response and plan a personalized AF therapy. During her experience in research, she started being personally involved in science communication to maximise the social impact of the research and promote scientific vocations.

In vitro model of atrial fibrillation: investigating the initiation and maintenance mechanisms of atrial remodeling using hiPSC-derived atrial cardiomyocytes

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Arrhythmias

Session: Mechanisms of atrial arrhythmias


Deep molecular characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022

Topic: Stem Cells, Cell Cycle, Cell Senescence, Cell Death

Session: Late-Breaking Science - Poster session 1
