Speaker illustration

Doctor Gabor Foldes

Imperial College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Member of:

Heart Failure Association

Dr. Foldes’ background is in Internal Medicine and Cardiology. His clinical expertise is in heart failure and cardiovascular cell therapy. He has experience in balancing clinical work with academia throughout his career. On the academic side, he completed his PhD in cardiovascular biology in 2002 and DSc in 2020. In 2006 he completed a fellowship on cardiac progenitor at Harvard University. He is a Senior Medical Director at AstraZeneca, Early CVRM. He also holds an Associate Professor post at Semmelweis University, Hungary. In addition to his clinical background he has extensive experience of stem cell and cardiovascular biology. His current research interests are the new cellular and therapeutic mechanisms in heart failure and regenerative medicine.

STAT3 mediates differentiation and maintenance of human pluripotent stem-derived endothelial cells

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2018

Topic: Stem Cells, Cell Cycle, Cell Senescence, Cell Death

Session: Basic Science - Vascular Biology and Physiology


Hippo signalling modulates survival of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2016

Topic: Cell growth, differentiation and stem cells - Heart

Session: Cell growth, differentiation and stem cells - Heart
