Speaker illustration

Doctor Ahmet Tas

Istanbul University (1453), Istanbul (Türkiye)

Dr. Ahmet Tas, MD (Gomec State Hospital, Turkey) is a member of the coronary physiology working group led by Professor Murat Sezer at Istanbul University, where he received his medical degree. He is pursuing a PhD in coronary haemodynamics at Amsterdam UMC, supervised by Professor Jan J. Piek. Dr. Tas focuses on applying contemporary fluid dynamics concepts such as wave intensity and reservoir analysis in cardiovascular medicine to improve the pathophysiology and diagnosis of macro- and microvascular coronary artery diseases, for which he works under the guidance of Professor Kim H. Parker, a leading bioengineer in this field. He speaks Turkish, German and English and also enjoys training in combat sports.

The interplay between coronary microvascular resistance, arterial reservoir function and coronary flow reserve: unravelling the significance of high microvascular resistance

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Coronary Circulation, Flow, and Flow Reserve

Session: Young Investigator Award Session in Basic and Translational Sciences


Worse glycemic control is associated with an impaired arterial energy transfer pattern in elderly with diabetes

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

Session: Peripheral arterial intervention: risk factors, secondary prevention, and outcomes


Non-hyperaemic coronary flow velocity acceleration indices correlate with hyperaemic microvascular resistance in patients with INOCA

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Coronary Microcirculation and Collaterals

Session: Invasive physiology indices in coronary artery disease
