Speaker illustration

Mr Martijn Tilly

Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam (Netherlands (The))

Member of:

After finishing his training as medical doctor in 2019, Martijn started a PhD-student at the department of Epidemiology of Cardiometabolic disorders, at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His PhD-trajectory focusses on inflammation and the immune system in relation to cardiac arrhythmia.

Autoimmune disease and new-onset atrial fibrillation: A UK Biobank study

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

Topic: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

Session: Population Science and Public Health 3


Prognosis of various atrial fibrillation patterns in the general population

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: Moderated ePoster 1


The association of coagulation and hemostasis with atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: ePosters


Distribution and risk profile of atrial fibrillation patterns among women and men from the general population

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Epidemiology

Session: Risk Factors and Prevention ePosters


Immunothrombosis and new-onset atrial fibrillation in the general population

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Prevalence and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation

Session: Atrial fibrillation e-posters
