Speaker illustration

Professor Jing Gao

Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin (China)

Gao, Jing , Female, Chief Physician,Tianjin ,Republic of China, Deputy Director of Tianjin Cardiovascular Institute,Tianjin Medical University,M.D,Ph.D,Post-doctoral of Cardiology. Major fields of interest: Prevention and Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Saphenous Vein Graft Disease ; Construction of Cardiovascular Biobank; Molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular disease; Biomarkers of cardiovascular disease. Current appointment: Doctoral supervisor of Tianjin Medical University Master's supervisor of Tianjin Medical University The First Level Personnel for Tianjin "131" Innovative Talents Training Project Tianjin "131" Innovative Talents Team Leader Tianjin First High-level Talents of Health Family Planning Industry "Jinmen Medical" Talents

Progress and challenges in artificial intelligence for cardiovascular risk assessment and diagnosis

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Cardiovascular diseases: predictors of onset and prognosis

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Moderated ePosters
