Speaker illustration

Doctor Stephan Reinhard Kuenzel

Dresden University Of Technology, Dresden (Germany)

Stephan Kuenzel studied medicine in Dresden from 2010 - 2017. He wrote his medical doctoral thesis under Prof. Ursula Ravens in 2013 on the influence of voltage-dependent potassium channels in cardiac fibroblasts during permanent atrial fibrillation. From 2014 to 2019 he was a PhD student under Prof. Ali El-Armouche in the Institute of Pharmacology Dresden. There he is currently working as lecturer, clincian scientist and group leader on the topics: fibrosis, disease modelling and drug repurposing.

PLK2 is a novel regulator of osteopontin-driven fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction in permanent atrial fibrillation

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Heart Failure

Session: Cellular Pathomechanisms in Heart Failure
