Dr Michal Wegiel has been professionally associated with University Hospital in Krakow in Poland since medical studies. Since 2015 he has been working in Clinical Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, first as a trainee in cardiology and then as a younger and senior assistant. Simultaneously with clinical practice Michal Wegiel developed his scientific and research interests. Since the beginning he focused his research on heart failure, myocardial remodeling and acute coronary syndromes. In 2022 Michal Wegiel defensed a doctoral thesis concerning predictive factors of left ventricular remodeling in patients after myocardial infarction. Dr Michal Wegiel presented results of his work during international congresses including ESC heart failure, TCT, Euro-Echo imaging. Apart from professional interests Michal Wegiel has several hobby including bike riding, music and art. His knowledge of foreign languages include English (level C1) and German (communicative level).