Speaker illustration

Doctor Darshan Brahmbhatt

University Health Network of Toronto, Toronto (Canada)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
Heart Failure Association

Dr Darshan H. Brahmbhatt MA MB BChir MPhil MRCS MRCP CCDS is a board certified Cardiologist and Internal Medicine Physician based at Toronto General Hospital's Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Function Excellence & Ajmera Transplant Centre. His academic interest is in heart failure innovations and remote monitoring which was the focus of his doctoral studies at Imperial College London (Royal Brompton Hospital). Clinically, his focus is on advanced heart failure, complex implantable devices and cardiac transplantation. He is an experienced scientific and medical educator to University of Cambridge, Norwich Medical School & University of Toronto and was previously Chief Resident in Cardiology (Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, UK) and Chief Fellow in Cardiology (Toronto).

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Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Patient Engagement and Personalised Health

Session type: Special Session
