Speaker illustration

Doctor Daniel P Kelly

The Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (United States of America)

Dr. Kelly, a cardiologist-scientist, joined the Washington University School of Medicine faculty in 1989 and rapidly moved up the ranks to Professor of Medicine, and Chief of the Cardiovascular Division and Director for the Center for Cardiovascular Research. In 2008, he assumed the role of founding Scientific Director for the Sanford Burnham Institute in Orlando, Florida. In 2017, he moved to the University of Pennsylvania to serve as Director of the Penn Cardiovascular Institute. Early in his career, Dr. Kelly defined the genetic basis for a common inborn error in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, work that led to the development of practical screening tests for newborns. Thereafter, he became interested in how similar derangements in cardiac fuel metabolism contribute to common acquired forms of heart failure and has defined master transcriptional regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of cardiac mitochondrial function through studies on nuclear receptors.

Ketone metabolism as a metabolic stress response in heart.

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Basic Science

Session: Metabolic Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Can We Harness the Power of Ketones?
