Speaker illustration

Professor Boxue Han

PLA Rocket Force Characteristic Medical Center, Beijing (China)

He was born in 1982,at a poor countrycide from Shandong in China.Underwent lots of struggle,he has granduated from Peking University Health Center,which Major in clinical medicine.At least 12-year working experience in area of respiratory and critical care medicine, who was proficient in diagnosis and treatment of the COPD, respiratory failure and CPR, especially in mechanical ventilation.An important original theory (TMMP) was created and released in ERS-2019,CHEST-2019,which will have influenced the assessment system of the modern medicine on the earth.Firstly applied AVAPS-AE (a new ventilation mode) to pulmonary rehabilitation of COPD in the world.More than 20 papers published in leading journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (e.g. Chest, ERJ, and The Lancet).

Impact of limbs pneumatic compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on cardiac arrest patients: a randomized controlled trial

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Resuscitation

Session: Acute cardiac care 1
